2020-12-04 18:00:47 | SmokymonkeyS

▶ Japanese▶ English





Happy to announce our next project here.
Now we are working on Garage: Bad Dream Adventure. This is an adventure game that directed by Sakuba Tomomi and published in 1999 for a PC game.

The release of this game was limited to 3,000 copies for some reasons and almost people couldn't obtain or play, and then it eventually had a rare value. It has been trading about 700 - 2,000 USD over net auctions, etc in Japan. Almost people cannot play the game because of the reason. This is the strong reason why I decided to remaster this game. We chosen mobile platform. That's because this is the most popular platform in the world for now and we thought a lot of people can play this game on it.

Developing the remaster is not so easily. Almost master data has been lost already and I have to make the game with the original graphics, movies, and the scenario. I remade it from scratch by playing the original game over and over again, like an ear copy of music.

Well, the game is still under development and began a crowdfunding within Japan. The game will have multiple-language and will announce more detail in English soon. Wait until that with fun!


SmokymonkeySとは、2名からなるインディチームです。 ゲームやその他作品を無所属で個人開発しています。
2002年 WebゲームTRIGLAVを公開。総勢50万アカウントを超える長寿ゲーム。
2015年 3DアクションRPG Ninelivesを開発。現在休止中。
2018年 TRIGLAV モバイル版をリリース。70万ダウンロード達成。
2021年 作場知生氏と共同開発したガラージュ 完全版をリリース。

SmokymonkeyS is a two-man indie team by a programmer and a graphic designer, formed for creating games.
Our 1st game TRIGLAV, a web RPG that has been made with JavaScript has passed over half a million accounts since launched 2002.
2015, Ninelives suspended the development after the alpha phase.
2018, released Triglav for Mobile. Reached 700 thousand download.
2021, released Garage: Bad Dream Adventure. Developed with Sakuba Tomomi.


Any Comment?

1581 Posts | Page 1/264
Could you join Triglav Discord and send me a direct message?
No matter what I do, the game doesn't show me any events. Internet connection is working and I am a legit user. So it seems my device is somehow blocked, but why.
Thanks. I'm considering it properly.
Some guy asked to realease the triglav on steam. I want to tell that i support this idea too. Since I am a huge fan of your work and i am following since last 7 years you have a huge potential guys. WE ARE SUPPORTING YOU!.
Please Release TRIGLAV on Steam!
Come to join our Discord and direct message me.