2021-06-12 16:55:04 | CharlieX

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I'm always wanting a player to spend more time and more addicted on my game. That's why I make games. So I love to hear words such like this: I played the game for a long time than I thought, or I spent for this game over 100 hours.

I prefer a player who is trying to obtain your achieve emotionally than a player who reviews my game to this is interesting or a great job. I believe a game worth will be decided how the game could obtain the player's emotions and makes their desires.

A developer makes whole game world to the intended purpose that include from a small stone to a big structure. An old door you opened would creaky naturally at the real life, but the same door in game will never creaky until the developer set the sound. It means there is something intend of the developer.
The developer is putting the small stone or the structure by thinking how it effective more to the game and to the players.

Sometimes a player tells me, you design your game to more difficult and annoying to prevent the player to get the achieve.
Well, this is a wrong idea overall. Sadly, this mean the developer's intend is not going well, and it happens always.
Sometimes I go to watch my game player's video and get sick every time I saw the player stuck, get lost, or failed caused by my design. After a while, I start to think how to fix or improve them.

Any developers never want a player who doesn't get your achieve.
Any developers want a player who has fun from the heart and knows the game more deeply.

Thank you for playing my games.


SmokymonkeySとは、2名からなるインディチームです。 ゲームやその他作品を無所属で個人開発しています。
2002年 WebゲームTRIGLAVを公開。総勢50万アカウントを超える長寿ゲーム。
2015年 3DアクションRPG Ninelivesを開発。現在休止中。
2018年 TRIGLAV モバイル版をリリース。70万ダウンロード達成。
2021年 作場知生氏と共同開発したガラージュ 完全版をリリース。

SmokymonkeyS is a two-man indie team by a programmer and a graphic designer, formed for creating games.
Our 1st game TRIGLAV, a web RPG that has been made with JavaScript has passed over half a million accounts since launched 2002.
2015, Ninelives suspended the development after the alpha phase.
2018, released Triglav for Mobile. Reached 700 thousand download.
2021, released Garage: Bad Dream Adventure. Developed with Sakuba Tomomi.


Any Comment?

1581 Posts | Page 1/264
Could you join Triglav Discord and send me a direct message?
No matter what I do, the game doesn't show me any events. Internet connection is working and I am a legit user. So it seems my device is somehow blocked, but why.
Thanks. I'm considering it properly.
Some guy asked to realease the triglav on steam. I want to tell that i support this idea too. Since I am a huge fan of your work and i am following since last 7 years you have a huge potential guys. WE ARE SUPPORTING YOU!.
Please Release TRIGLAV on Steam!
Come to join our Discord and direct message me.